Você que já viu as 500 palavras mais faladas em inglês, veja agora as 1000 palavras mais faladas em inglês. Caso conheça o significado de todas elas, com certeza está apto a "se virar" na maioria das situações. Claro que isso não significa conhecer bem a língua, mas ajuda! Acrescente às palavras dos outros glossários que publiquei e fica mais fácil inclusive pesquisar na internet. As palavras estão em ORDEM ALFABÉTICA. Caso não conheça alguma palavra, CLIQUE AQUI para ver sua tradução e ouvir sua pronúncia.
a able about above action add advance afraid after again against age agree air airplane all almost along already also although always am amount and anger angry animal another answer any appear apple April are army around arrive art article as ask at attempt August aunt away baby back bad bag ball bank banker basket battle bay be bear beauty because become bed been before began begin behind being believe bell belong below beside best better between beyond bicycle big bird black blood blow blue board boat body bone book born borrow both bottle box boy branch brand bread break bridge bright bring broke broken brought brown bug build building built burn bus business busy but butter buy by cake call came can can't captain car care carry case catch caught cause cent century chair chance change character charge chief child childhood children choose church cigarette circle city class classroom clean clear clock close cloth clothes cloud coat cold college color come command company complete condition consider considerable contain continue control cook corn cost could count country course cover cross crowd cry cup cut daily dance dark date daughter day dead deal dear December decide deep degree delight demand desire destroy device did die difference different difficult dig dinner direct discount dish distance distant dive divide do doctor does dog doll dollar done don't door double doubt down dream dress dried drink drive drop dry duck during dust duty each ear early earth east easy eat edge effort egg eight either electric electricity else embrace end enemy English enjoy enough enter equal escape even evening ever every example except experience explain eye face fact fail fair fall family famous fancy far farm fast fat father faucet favor fear February feed feet fell felt fence few field fifteen fifth fifty fight figure fill find fine finger finish fire firm first fish fit five fix flier floor flower fly follow food fool foot for force foreign forest forever forget form fortieth forty forward found four free fresh Friday friend from front further future gain game garden gate gather gave general gentle gentleman get gift give glad glass glasses glossary go god goes gold gone goodbye got govern grain grave gray great green grew group grow grown guard guess guide gun had hair half hall hand hang happen happy hard has hat have he head health hear heard heart heat heaven heavy height held hello help her here hers high him his history hit hold hole home hope horse hot hour house how however human hungry hunt hurry hurt husband I ice idea if ill important in inch include increase indeed industry inside instead into iron is it its January job join joy judge July June just keep kept kind king kiss kitchen know labor ladder lady lake land language large last later laugh laughter law lay lead leader learn least leave led left leg length less let letter liar lie life light like line list listen little live lone long look lord lose loss lost lot loud love low lower machine mad made mail make man manner many March mark market marry master material matter may maybe mayor me mean measure meat meet meeting member men met method middle might mile milk million mind mine minute miss mister modern Monday moon more morning most mother mountain move movement Mr. Mrs. ms. much mud music must my nail nation nature near nearly necessary neck need needle neighbor neither nerve never new news next nice niece night nine no noise none noon nor north nose not note nothing notice November now number object ocean o'clock October odd of off offer office often oil ok old on one only open opinion or order orderly other ought our out outer outside over own page paid pain paper part partial party pass past pay peace people perfect perhaps period person pick picture piece place plain plan plant play pleasant please pleasure point poor position possible pot power prepare present president press pretend pretty price probably problem produce promise proud prove public pull pure push put quarter queen question quick quickly quiet race rain raise ran reach read ready real realize really reason record red remember reply report require rest result rhythm rich ride right ring rise river road rock roll room round row rule run rush sad safety said sail salt same sat Saturday save saw scene school sea seat second see seed seem self sell sense sent separate September serve service set settle seven several shade shake shave she shine ship shirt shoe shop shore short shot should shoulder shout show shown sick side sight sign silver simple sing single sister sit six size sleep slept slow small smell smoke snow so sock soft soil sold something sometimes son song soon sorry sort sound south space speak special spell spend spent spoke spot spread spring square stand star start state station stay step stick still stood stop store storm story straight strange stranger stream street strength strike strong student study succeed success such sudden suffer sugar suit summer sun Sunday supply suppose sure surprise sweet system table tail take talk tall taste teach tear tell ten than thank that the their them then there therefore these they thick thin thing think thirteen this those though thought thousand three threw through throw thrown Thursday tie till time tired to today together told tomorrow too took tore touch toward town trade train training travel tree tried tries trip trouble true trust try Tuesday turn twelve twenty two uncle understood us use usual valley various view visit voice wagon wait walk wall want war warm was wash watch water wave way we weak wear weather wedge Wednesday week weight welcome well went west wet what wheat wheel when where whether which while white who whole whom whose why wife wild will win wind window wise wish woman women won wonder wonderful wood word wore work world worn worth would write written wrong wrote Xerox x-ray xylophone yard year yellow yes yesterday yet you young yours